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Air Lock Device P-GHK

Air Lock is used to transport grinded products or other powder materials by air, it separates air and product and send product to exit way.

Product description


Technical drawings

Product specification

TypeABCDEØFGJCapacity (t/h)Weight (kg)
P-GHK 2202452455002353202401602155200
P-GHK 2402502505002503212401602156250
P-GHK 27025025050025032522216021514365
P-GHK 30025025050025034322217521518510
P-GHK 40033533558030848033224520020765
P-GHK 50038538565038561538327221525500
P-GHK 500480480750440505480x440252,5-30810

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